Monday, December 10, 2012

Jeremy Kwan SOLO!

It has been a long while since I last updated the blog, we had this few trainings but was not very consistent. Jeremy Yeo is now travelling around in China doing shows and hasn't been working out with Reactiv. However, Jeremy Kwan sees me at least once a week. Below are some pictures that we took during our sessions in Tampines stadium. Enjoy!

 Trying to explain what to do for the circuit workout.

 Toys for torture?

 Jeremy Kwan, working on the punch ups.
 Look at his developed back muscles!

 This pic looks weird, but what we did was a bicep curl into 2 hands uppercut! It's not easy...
Jeremy Kwan has been training diligently and seems to sprint faster than before! Today he did 6 x 400m@ < 2mins pace. in between the runs, we did 2 upperbody exercises at 15reps each. 1 with the Theraband and 1 exercise using body weight. We finished the workout with 120reps of abs (6 exercises x 20reps )
While waiting for Jeremy Yeo to be back, we will see the progress of Jeremy Kwan, on his route to be faster, stronger and erm.. better looking!