Sunday, August 24, 2008

Strength Training

Let me share some of my basic exercises that I would require everyone to be able to execute it. Warming up in the gym, I will make use of the swiss ball to do body stabilizer exercises to activate and "wake up" the muscles. The clips below demonstrate 2 exercises that I've included in my warm up before strength training.

There are many variation to this swiss ball exercises, e.g. rolling to the left and right diagonally. Focus of this exercise is that you have to firm up your abs and core area, keeping your body straight like a plank and control your breathing, never hold your breath!

Forward Roll

Next is the Knees Tug in, same as the Forward roll, keeping abs and core area firm, movement is only from the legs, pushing the ball outwards and bringing it back with your knees tug in.

Knees Tug In

In between the exercises, we will do our stretching, focusing more on dynamic stretching, with more swings on the upperbody and legs. And we are ready for our strength training!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Calvin's 100m race in the Olympics. Heat 7. As usual, very good acceleration , however overwhelmed by the Blacks....

Calvin Came in 6th in his Heats and ran a 10.73s with a headwind of -1.4m/s. Came in 1st from Portugal, Francis Obikwelu (10.25s, 2nd Obinna Metu from Nigeria(10.34s) and 3rd Walter Dix from USA(10.35s). Many people asked told me that Calvin needs more strength, more speed endurance, more power, needs to bulk up and many many more. He did 16.1s for his 150m, did 21.7s for his 200m. He can half squat160kg and bench 80kg. Could it be his technique? Or could it be his race model of the 100m? We found out some problems with his last 30m during the Singapore Open which is few days before he flew to Beijing. But I don't expect him to master the technique in such a short time. He is still a Junior and many more years to come. Lets hope he will represent Singapore in the Olympics as a qualifier and not as a wild card entry.
Many big Thank You to all the coaches and friends who are so concern about Calvin and my training method, all your valuable comments is greatly appreciated. I will do my best and produce more Champions!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Let's wish our ONLY athletics 100m representative all the best in his race tomorrow. We all know that he will do us proud and break his personal best again.
All the way Calvin Kang!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

After all the troubles, all the difficulties, our all time favorite Mohd Shameer is back for training. He was one of the most consistent athletes clocking whole year round 10.60s. Yet to break the barrier, but coming soon.... one of his come back session, still looking good in his Step Over drills.

Heavy resistance training and explosive, SSC (stretch-shortening-cycle), plyometrics, shock training can improve muscle recruitment under high loads and loading velocities. Fast Twitch muscles recruited in terms of size and number, therefore tendon might be loaded better, which improve on sprinting abilities. Some of the classic plyometrics exercises are bounding, single leg bounding(training unilateral component), box jumping and hurdles jumps. The video below shows how hurdles jumps is done.

Focusing on quick contact on the ground with toes pointing to the sky(dorsiflexion on ankles). You can also use your arms(using of your segments) to help coordinate the movements.

Our latest fellow training mates. Fendi and Wynner

And sometimes we have fun.....