Sunday, August 24, 2008

Strength Training

Let me share some of my basic exercises that I would require everyone to be able to execute it. Warming up in the gym, I will make use of the swiss ball to do body stabilizer exercises to activate and "wake up" the muscles. The clips below demonstrate 2 exercises that I've included in my warm up before strength training.

There are many variation to this swiss ball exercises, e.g. rolling to the left and right diagonally. Focus of this exercise is that you have to firm up your abs and core area, keeping your body straight like a plank and control your breathing, never hold your breath!

Forward Roll

Next is the Knees Tug in, same as the Forward roll, keeping abs and core area firm, movement is only from the legs, pushing the ball outwards and bringing it back with your knees tug in.

Knees Tug In

In between the exercises, we will do our stretching, focusing more on dynamic stretching, with more swings on the upperbody and legs. And we are ready for our strength training!