Saturday, September 22, 2012

Session 13 & 14 - Jeremy Yeo (Project SlimDown)

I’ve decided to combine 2 training sessions into 1 blog entry. I thought this is easier for our readers to see Jeremy’s one week progress in a glance. We measured his weight and to our surprise, his weight went down to 102.3kg. Initially he couldn’t believe the reading from the weighing scale, he tried positioning the scale at different places, looking for the perfect flat ground! The only reading he got from the scale is 102.3kg. He is convinced and seems to me that he is on the right track.

We planned to step up the training a little by increasing the intensity of the run and lesser rest time. Planned workout: 3 x 3 x 400m (with every 100m of striding and exercises with Theraband). However, we only managed to finish 2 sets of 3 x 400m.
The first set of exercises we did bicep curls, Triceps, Lateral raises and Punch-ups. After each 100m striding we did one exercise. So it’s 3 sets of each exercise. Yes, Jeremy turned pale even under his tanned skin after much exposure to the crazy sun rays!
Yes we do have many comments about the previous post regarding the stars covering the nips, so this time I'll post the raw footage of all the pictures, no Photoshop works on his body, FYI :)
And so it goes on, chest press, chest pull, straight hand pull down, single arm chest fly.
We finished the workout with Core stabilizers exercises (many like to call Planks). I introduce the basic positions and I will increase the intensity of the core workout when Jeremy is ready for it!
And the report:
17th Sept 2012
Duration: 1 hr 34mins
In zone: 46min45s
Avg HR: 149
Max HR: 187
Cal: 1297

Session 14 was a breeze for Jeremy. He was still suffering from D.O.M.S. after the previous session and requested that maybe he could do something easier. His request was granted and we did 9 rounds of easy jogging around the track. 3 rounds easy jogging for each set, with some legs exercises, since his aches only on the arms. So we did a short training session and finished the session with 1 min max rep for sit ups and back arches. And the results:
28 sit ups and 42 back arches!
And so the report from the watch:
20th Sept 2012
Duration of the workout: 1hour 7mins
In zone (60-80% HR): 39min 19s
Average HR: 155bpm
Max HR: 195bpm
Calories burnt: 1001

Jeremy will be away till 3rd Oct. Till then...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Session 11 & 12 - Jeremy Yeo (Project SlimDown)

I've been so busy lately that I didn't have the time to write the blog for the training sessions. That is why I have to combine the 2 entries. We were busy preparing for the Theraband 30s challenge - 12th and 14th Sept and also 26th and 28th Sept. Jeremy agreed to help me with the videoing and editing of the footage!

 After a week of rest, Jeremy came back for training, and this time he did many exercises for the arms! We did 3 sets of 6 exercises; biceps, triceps, punch ups, lateral raises, chest press and forwards row, and yes.. he bought a new pair of shades.. just for training, see how serious he is..
Bicep curls


Punch ups and lateral raises

forward row and chest press
 After each set, Jeremy went for a recovery round, slow jogging. We did exercises for our core, leg raises and touch heels as you can see in the pictures below:
He died...
 So we went for lunch, and he ate his favourite Wanton Noodles.
Date: 11th Sept 2012
Duration of training: 1 hour 13mins
In zone training (60% - 80%): 53mins
Average HR: 139bpm
Max HR: 177
Calories burnt: 886

Wanton Noodles
Session 12, we stepped up the intensity and did sprints training! I adopted this idea from my ex colleague, Veera and he said maybe I can try to let my guys do some sprinting. Yes, so I did. I incorporated some exercises using the ladder for the legs between each sprints.
Drop squat
After each set of exercises, he did 3 sprints with walking back recovery. 40m, 50m and 60m.
Jeremy sprinting!!!
 After the 3 sets of sprints, he went for a recovery round. He came back and did some upperbody exercises - lateral raises, front raises and front row. Jeremy requested to put a red star to cover the nips, and so I did...
We finished the session with sit ups and back arches. The videos below explains all...

Date: 13 sept 2012
Duration: 1 hour 45mins (took quite a bit of rest)
In zone (60%-80%): 1 hour 7mins
Average HR: 134bpm
Max HR: 179bpm
Calories burnt: 1173

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Session 10 - Jeremy Yeo (Project SlimDown)

Jeremy was aching badly after the last training and we've decided to do a recovery session for him. We planned to do easy jogging and some exercises, but the weather did not allow us to do so.. We had no choice but to move out of the stadium and train at the walkway instead.
We did easy jogging, 3 x 5mins with exercises in between the runs. The intensity was really low. hitting about 65bpm in average. I added the mini hurdles to spice up his runs, and indeed he had some difficulties clearing them.

We had 2 special guests who came and did some MV shoot. Tracy wanted to video my day job as a coach/personal trainer for a music video (To be released on Arthur's day). And the special appearance for the shoot (for my segment) happened to be Jeremy! The bad thing is that Jeremy got to eat a burger in one of the scene, right after the training - unhealthy, I know right...

Anyhow, we finished our session and the report shows:
Date: 30th Aug 2012
Duration of exercises: 52mins 13s
In zone: 19mins 42s
Average HR: 118bpm
Max HR: 147bpm
Calories burnt: 461