Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Session 9 - Jeremy Yeo (Project SlimDown)

It has been 8 sessions of training so far, and we see some changes in Jeremy's body composition. He looks fitter, and is able to complete tough exercises and heavy endurance workouts. Currently weighing 103kg, he is ready to embark on this new training phase. Tougher!!

Today we did 3 x 4 x 400m (fast slow pace), slow jogging on the breadth of the field and striding on the length of the field.

I think the session was great, because Jeremy really went that extra mile to complete his workout. It was really tough and I was about to reduce the intensity of the workout, but his determination made me change my mind.

Each set of run lasted about 12mins, and immediately after each set of run, we did 3 sets of exercises with the Theraband.
First Set!

Second Set! He's totally drenched..

The last set of exercises we did abs. we did 3 sets of leg raises, lying on the floor. Again, I almost killed him.. Luckily we have Aquarius to help quench our thirst..
I tabulated the times he did for each runs for all 3 sets:

Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
1st round
2nd round
3rd round
4th round

The Polar watch report:
Date: 28 Aug 2012
Duration: 1hr 29min
Avg HR: 154bpm
Max HR: 195bpm
Calories burnt: 1291 !!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Session 8 - Jeremy Yeo (Project SlimDown)

Finally Jeremy bought a new pair of shoes! We went to New Balance and he got himself a pair of running shoes, more for stability. So now he is ready to burn that fats away!
We did our session in Tampines stadium again. My ankle does not allow me to jog together with him, therefore no reservoir rounds until I'm ready...
New Balance Shoes :)
Jeremy, couldn't wait any longer to try his new shoes, decided to do the 10 rounds this time. Same as the last training, he did exercises after each round as the recovery for his running. Right after the exercises, he went for the next round, as a recovery run for the exercises. Below are the time he clocked for each round:
1) 2min 52s
2) 2min 50s
3) 3min 24s (slowing down because he did lunges before this..)
4) 3min 16s
5) 3min 28s
6) 3min 04s
7) 3min 24s
8) 3min 30s
9) We ran indoor due to sudden downpour.. 3mins jogging and up down stairs.
10) same as round 9.

And these were the exercises:
30s bicep curls and squats

30s triceps and lunges (killer)

30s punch ups and Calves raises

lateral raises and side lunges

Triceps and step ups

Forward row and drop squat

Bicep forward row and 30s knee drive

Seated forward row and leg raise, and died..

Standing upright row and leg raises for obliques

Bicep and punch up combi, followed by supported back arches
I'm glad that Jeremy has been very consistent in his training, even his friends commented that he looks fitter now :) Needless to say, your efforts have paid off Jeremy!
The report from Polar watch:
23rd Aug 2012
Duration: 1hr 10mins
In zone (60-80%): 50min 16s
Average HR: 152bpm
Max HR: 176bpm
Calories: 991

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Stepping Out Into Healthy Life

I have been working closely with Tan Tock Seng Hospital and have since joined forces with their Stepping Out Team to be one of the trainers for their Stepping Out Into Healthy Life programme. The aim of this programme is to lower the risks of falls among elders with the help of exercise.

Sessions are conducted twice weekly and a session lasts for 1 hour. Exercises are done indoors and with the help of the Thera-Band Tube, strength training was a breeze!. The most important aspect of the session is the balancing exercises where participants will try to balance on 1 foot, tip-toeing, standing on your heels (amongst other things) and will do their best to maintain their balance. Exercises were done in sets to give them ample time to rest and recover for the subsequent workouts.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Session 7 - Jeremy Yeo (Project SlimDown)

Sorry for the late entry, too many pictures this time! We changed venue this time due to my swollen ankle. We met at Tampines Stadium and did our rounds there. A 4km workout with intervals of exercises after each round. It's kind of difficult to run alone, especially under the blazing hot sun, smacked in the middle of the day. Jeremy, currently weighing 103.3kg, ran 10 rounds on the perimeter of the field. Why not the track? Because his shoes gave way...

So we started the first round and he took about 3mins per round in average. He completed the following exercises (I was amazed) :
Biceps, Triceps and Squats

Jeremy ran 2min 27s for the first round, and was feeling good! His second round was 2min 54s.
Standing alternate rows, push ups on railing and step ups
Standing row, reverse fly and lunges

Straight arm pull, bicep pull and calf raises

Forward row with elbows close to body, single chest fly and lateral squats

Lateral raise, forward raise and drop squat.

Upright row, forward raise and drop lunge.

Normal sit ups, back arches and oblique crunch.
No pictures for this set - we did touch heels and slap heels and obliques leg swing.

Leg raise, leg extension and Oblique twist with band.
From the 3rd round onwards, Jeremy HR was shooting up, so he went much slower for the rest of the rounds.
3. 3min19s
4. 3min01s
5. 3min21s
6. 3min13s
7. 3min14s
8. 3min16s
9. 3min18s
And the last round he did a sprint, and came back with a time of 2min14s!!

The report says:
Duration: 1hr 47mins
In zone (60-80%): 1hr 18min
Average HR: 150bpm
Max HR: 190bpm
Calories: 1487!!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Session 6 - Jeremy Yeo (Project SlimDown)

Jeremy is still suffering from D.O.M.S., couldnt really push for today's training. Nevertheless. he whacked the session! Jeremy was complaining about heavy breathing and couldn't really jog at a faster pace. Check out the photos :)
First set of exercises... Observe the wet patch on his shirt.

2nd set of exercises.. that patch getting bigger..

3rd set of exercises, bigger.....

Lastly we finished with abs and back exercises :) Totally drenched!
Here are the details from the report.

Duration of the workout: 1hr 16mins
In zone training (60% - 80%): 55mins
Average HR: 133bpm
Max HR: 164bpm
Total Calories spent: 855

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Session 5 - Jeremy Yeo (Project SlimDown)

The weather has been really kind to us! Blessed :) We finally managed to get a correct and proper measurement from the weighing scale! Jeremy dropped from 104.9kg to 103.8kg for this week! So happy for him! Today we tried jogging the whole round of the reservoir and did exercises every 10mins. First we did standing back row and shoulder extension and for the legs we did step ups.
Standing back row

Shoulder extension

Step ups
 The next interval we did lateral raise for the deltoids and also the punch ups. And the lateral squats for the legs. I think the lateral squats killed him. His HR went up to 90+%!!!
Lateral Raise

Punch ups
 We went on for the next 10mins and did our next set of exercises. We did a reverse fly and back row with different grip. We did the calf raises to build on his beautiful calves :)

 The last set of exercises, we did 30s bicep curls non stop and also the triceps. We did not do the legs exercises, because we wanted to sprint for the last stretch back to base! We did and Jeremy died... HR went up to 100%!! But he didn't stop! He went on at a slower pace all the way till we finish the round! Great Job!!
 We finished off with abs (lying leg raises) and back exercises (back arches). Yes, he died...
This was the report from the watch:
Date: 14th Aug 2012
Duration of workout: 1hour 34mins
In zone training (60% - 80%): 1hour 2mins
Average HR: 141bpm
Max HR: 187bpm
Calories: 1158!!

All the way Jeremy!! Go under 100kg!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Session 4 - Jeremy Yeo (Project SlimDown)

Happy National Day Singapore!! It's already the 4th session and Jeremy has been very consistent with his training. This morning we measured his weight before we started the exercises and he is now lighter by 700g :) 2 days ago was 105.6kg, and today 104.9kg!!

Same routine, we went around the reservoir and did exercises every 10 minutes interval. We tried to run non stop this time, within the zone 60%-80%. For the exercises every 10mins, we did downward paddle and forward row with elbows up. Followed by body weight squats. Jeremy said he felt easier to do the squats! Getting stronger! We did triceps and biceps, followed by lunges. and the last set of exercises, we did standing single arm chest fly, lateral raise for the deltoids and calves raises.

As much as we wanted to run non-stop, Jeremy was struggling with his increasing heart rate, stopping him from further jogging. Therefore he did brisk walking for the last stretch back to base.. We did 2 abs exercises and 1 for the back, each 3 sets of 12reps. The leg tugs and heel touch for the abs, followed by support back arch. I'm sure these terms and exercises sounds alien to you, but if you want to know more, you can either visit our youtube video on the Theraband exercises ( or just ask me personally :)
 Jeremy asked me to use this picture instead, He doesn't want anyone to see his struggling face...
And lastly, this is the report from the Polar HR monitor:

Duration of training: 1hr 37mins
In zone 60% - 80%: 1hr 03 mins
Avg HR: 137bpm
Max HR: 174bpm
Calories: 1126

We had minced meat noodle after our session, from my favourite Former Plaza Singapura food court stall. They've moved to Bedok reservoir road! Strongly recommended!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Session 3 - Jeremy Yeo (Project SlimDown)

This morning was the 3rd training session for Jeremy in our Project SlimDown training program. This is the 2nd week and we already see improvement in the fitness level. Jeremy is able to jog at a relatively comfortable pace, one round non stop around the reservoir! We did exercises every 10 minute intervals and this time, we did 3 exercises; 2 upperbody exercises with the Theraband and 1 lowerbody exercise. 

We measured the his weight before we commence in the training session and found out that the last measurement was not accurate!! 96kg was measured on an uneven ground! Today, his measurement was: 105kg... yes, we did 3 measurement and all reading was 105kg. It is alright Jeremy! We will burn those extra fats off!!

Ok.. First we did standing pulls and chest press with the band, followed by body-weight squat. It was quite straight forward and he managed to finish it with ease. We increased the number of reps from the previous session, from 10 to 12 reps.

 The 2nd exercise interval we did 30s non-stop standing bicep curls and 12reps of lateral raise. We finished the 2nd set of exercises with static lunges. The lunges exercise made his HR shoot up to 80+%!! Wobbly legs after the lunges, but we had no choice, at least 2km more to go...
 The last interval we did a combination of shoulder and legs exercises. He was supposed do a shoulder press when going down into a squat position. As you can see from the picture, this exercise is not easy..., his face...
We came back after our round and did Abs workout: 2 sets of 12reps x 2 exercises. I think Jeremy did really well to finish the workout, and was really determine to complete the reps. 2 thumbs up! The below are the details from the Polar HR monitor watch summary:
Duration: 1hr 25mins
In training zone (60% - 80%): 56min 29s
Average HR: 134bpm
Max HR: 167bpm
Calories: 970!!!

All the way Jeremy!!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Session 2 - Jeremy Yeo (Project SlimDown)

 Today is the 2nd session together with Jeremy in our Project SlimDown! It was a beautiful Friday morning in Bedok Reservoir. We started off the day by measuring Jeremy's weight. To our surprise, Jeremy is not 104kg, he is 96kg instead! We tried a few times and indeed, my weighing scale did not lie, confirmed his weight at 96kg! I think his mum calibrated the scale deliberately to motivate him to work harder..

Our workout today is similar to the one on Tuesday, we did one round around the reservoir with exercises at every 10min interval. The only difference this time was we did exercises with Theraband and also we stepped up the intensity by doing slow jogging instead of brisk walking. The first exercise we did after the 10min interval was the bicep curls with the Theraband, followed by bodyweight front squats.

 As we progressed, Jeremy was complaining about his aching TA(Tibialis Anterior) due to the brisk walk, so we started our slow jog. Today we measured our Heart rate using the Polar Heart Rate Monitor, and I've set the watch to a training zone of 60% - 80% HR.
 I was impressed by his fitness! He managed to jog consistently for 10mins till the next set of exercises. We worked on the Deltoids and the Trapes this time by doing the lateral raise and the upright row. Looking good right?
 We finished the walk in 55mins and came back to work on core strength. We did the Standing Oblique twist with support of the lamp post. Jeremy was hit by an adrenaline rush so strong that he snapped the band!! six packs six packs six packs... was all that was on his mind...

We finished the session with cool down stretching. And this was the report from the watch:
Training duration: 1 hour 19min
In zone training duration: 43min
Average HR: 123bpm
Max HR: 164bpm
Calories Burnt: 767!!

Great Workout Jeremy!
Stay with us to watch his progress!