Friday, August 10, 2012

Session 4 - Jeremy Yeo (Project SlimDown)

Happy National Day Singapore!! It's already the 4th session and Jeremy has been very consistent with his training. This morning we measured his weight before we started the exercises and he is now lighter by 700g :) 2 days ago was 105.6kg, and today 104.9kg!!

Same routine, we went around the reservoir and did exercises every 10 minutes interval. We tried to run non stop this time, within the zone 60%-80%. For the exercises every 10mins, we did downward paddle and forward row with elbows up. Followed by body weight squats. Jeremy said he felt easier to do the squats! Getting stronger! We did triceps and biceps, followed by lunges. and the last set of exercises, we did standing single arm chest fly, lateral raise for the deltoids and calves raises.

As much as we wanted to run non-stop, Jeremy was struggling with his increasing heart rate, stopping him from further jogging. Therefore he did brisk walking for the last stretch back to base.. We did 2 abs exercises and 1 for the back, each 3 sets of 12reps. The leg tugs and heel touch for the abs, followed by support back arch. I'm sure these terms and exercises sounds alien to you, but if you want to know more, you can either visit our youtube video on the Theraband exercises ( or just ask me personally :)
 Jeremy asked me to use this picture instead, He doesn't want anyone to see his struggling face...
And lastly, this is the report from the Polar HR monitor:

Duration of training: 1hr 37mins
In zone 60% - 80%: 1hr 03 mins
Avg HR: 137bpm
Max HR: 174bpm
Calories: 1126

We had minced meat noodle after our session, from my favourite Former Plaza Singapura food court stall. They've moved to Bedok reservoir road! Strongly recommended!!