Monday, December 22, 2014

Sticking To The Plan!!

The number 1 problem I am facing now with my clients is that everyone tells me they have NO TIME. Ok. So could you elaborate “No Time”? The replies range from heavy workloads, family commitments and mental fatigue. Truly, we are overworked and we have little time left to take good care of ourselves.
So perhaps sharing a few tips on how to add fitness and making small nutritional changes gradually would help form healthy habits. See folks, no matter how busy you are you have to at least 1 meal a day. Exercise and eating right are similar. The idea of this article is to actually reach out to friends/family or yourself to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Most people know that they need to make this change but whenever they try youtubing a video or googling a topic, the accuracy is questionable and dependable on whether it inspires/motivates one to make the change.
But I am going to provide 5 simple steps that you can start off with to get you going.

1.    Make Activity a part of your day!
 If there is the lift and the stairs. TAKE THE STAIRS. But I stay on the 20th floor! Well climb as many stories as you can before you get tired then take the lift to your level. Trust me, if you diligently do this your stamina will improve and your heart will thank you.

2.    Spend 10 mins everyday warming up.
Do some assisted push ups, leg swings, squats with a chair as support, dynamic arm swings and do no more than 10 MINS and STOP! Reason being is that if the work outs are 45 mins it may be a challenge to complete it effectively. Increase the duration and number of exercises or sets and that is one way to indicate that you have become fitter.

3.    Avoid having guilty pleasures stocked up
Though I mentioned about flexible dieting but if you need to see and feel an improvement then you have to get to a certain physical goal before the flexible dieting can be applied. For now, clean out the chips, cookies, soft drinks and ice cream till you achieve the milestones. You are allowed to have these once in awhile but ask yourself and touch your heart regarding the frequency.

4.    Eat regularly and maintain the portion sizes
This is probably the most challenging because most of us are about convenience. We have become so lazy that we even cannot be bothered to eat regularly. I have clients that tell they one meal a day, why am I still fat? The answer is simple, when you put  your body through such a metabolic roller coaster, it will lower the metabolism and store fat the first possible opportunity it gets to store fat aka weekend brunch or buffet. Keep your meals regular and I assure you the waist size will reduce.

5.    Pack yourself with Physical Challenges
Don’t just join a gym and use the treadmill. Don’t engage a personal trainer and depend on him/her for your program. Pick up a sport that you used to do. Join a group class if you need to be motivated by others. Join more fun runs. Trekking overseas even. As long as you plan these physical challenges, the mind will be motivated enough to tell the body to do it. IF you continue on a course of living a sedentary life then I suggest you work harder and make sure you have set aside enough for medical fees later.

I am sure there are many other ways to motivate and get you going. Experiment and feel free to share with others how you are getting started or share this article with a loved one who needs it.

Next topic: Top 5 Heart Healthy Foods 

Written By: Ryan Lye