Monday, June 25, 2012

Personal Training Blog | Featured client: Rabbani (Week 5)


Injury. The word that every athlete and sports enthusiast squeals to upon hearing it.
Unfortunately for Rabbani, injury struck him during on this last training day for week 5. It happened on our 1st sprint when he strained his right quadriceps and was unable to continue further with the workout.

Skyline of Marina Bay Sands overlooking Rabbani while he was tightening his laces.

Many people don't know this but a strained muscle = torn muscle. Just like the fibers in a cloth would tear if you overstretch it, our muscles work the same way.

Classifying a strain is easy.

Mild Strain
Swollen, tenderness and it hurts when you stretch or contract the particular muscle.

Moderate Strain
Difficulty in moving the joints near the muscle strain.
E.g. If the strain on the quadriceps, you will face a difficulty in moving the knee joint (squatting, bending the knee etc)

Severe Strain
The most easiest to tell; this is when the athlete starts to scream! Literally.
This is when you will need to seek for a surgical repair of the completely torn muscle.

Down but not out!

For Rabbani, his strain is a mild one and he needs to continually ice his quads to reduce the swelling and also continue to gently stretch his quads. Although he is now injured, that does not mean that training has to stop! We will just have to avoid heavy weight bearing activities that requires the use of his quads.

Speedy recovery, Rabbani!

Get fit and stay fit!,


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