Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Personal Training Blog | Featured client: Rabbani

Since May, I have been working hard trying to make my personal training client, Rabbani, to achieve his fitness goals and I think it is a good idea for me to blog it out to record his progression as well as getting people interested on what goes on when a PT meets his client.

A short Bio of himself: - 
Name: Rabbani Mubarak
Age: 24
Height: 172cm
Profession: Marketing Executive

Weight (before training programme): 81kg

Rabbani's desired outcome from training:
- Toned and developed thighs, hamstrings, calves and gluteus.
- To lose love handles, abdominal fat and achieve a narrower waist line.
- Stronger midsection and upper body.

I have designed a programme that is specifically made for him that includes a mix of HIT (High-Intensity Training), HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) and weight bearing resistance training; amongst other things. Do keep a lookout on his progression over these few months and don't forget to comment! :)

Keep fit and stay fit!,