Monday, June 18, 2012

Personal Training Blog | Featured client: Rabbani (Week 4)

Current weight: 79kg

And so we have come to the last session for week 4.

For the last session for this week, we go easy. I decided not to push him too hard so that he can have a full recovery to start off afresh for week 5. For this last session, the concentration is on his lower body and core. Exercises were done in a controlled motion, as usual, but with a slightly lighter load.

Weight load were lowered down by 25% for weighted workouts: -

Squats 3x 12reps
Calf raises 3x 12reps
Mountain climbers 3x 12reps

Ended off with 5x 30secs of core stabilizers.

Training for week 5 starts tomorrow and the intensity will be upped a notch! Stay tuned ;)

Keep fit and stay fit!,