Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Session 3 - Jeremy Yeo (Project SlimDown)

This morning was the 3rd training session for Jeremy in our Project SlimDown training program. This is the 2nd week and we already see improvement in the fitness level. Jeremy is able to jog at a relatively comfortable pace, one round non stop around the reservoir! We did exercises every 10 minute intervals and this time, we did 3 exercises; 2 upperbody exercises with the Theraband and 1 lowerbody exercise. 

We measured the his weight before we commence in the training session and found out that the last measurement was not accurate!! 96kg was measured on an uneven ground! Today, his measurement was: 105kg... yes, we did 3 measurement and all reading was 105kg. It is alright Jeremy! We will burn those extra fats off!!

Ok.. First we did standing pulls and chest press with the band, followed by body-weight squat. It was quite straight forward and he managed to finish it with ease. We increased the number of reps from the previous session, from 10 to 12 reps.

 The 2nd exercise interval we did 30s non-stop standing bicep curls and 12reps of lateral raise. We finished the 2nd set of exercises with static lunges. The lunges exercise made his HR shoot up to 80+%!! Wobbly legs after the lunges, but we had no choice, at least 2km more to go...
 The last interval we did a combination of shoulder and legs exercises. He was supposed do a shoulder press when going down into a squat position. As you can see from the picture, this exercise is not easy..., his face...
We came back after our round and did Abs workout: 2 sets of 12reps x 2 exercises. I think Jeremy did really well to finish the workout, and was really determine to complete the reps. 2 thumbs up! The below are the details from the Polar HR monitor watch summary:
Duration: 1hr 25mins
In training zone (60% - 80%): 56min 29s
Average HR: 134bpm
Max HR: 167bpm
Calories: 970!!!

All the way Jeremy!!!