Friday, August 3, 2012

Session 2 - Jeremy Yeo (Project SlimDown)

 Today is the 2nd session together with Jeremy in our Project SlimDown! It was a beautiful Friday morning in Bedok Reservoir. We started off the day by measuring Jeremy's weight. To our surprise, Jeremy is not 104kg, he is 96kg instead! We tried a few times and indeed, my weighing scale did not lie, confirmed his weight at 96kg! I think his mum calibrated the scale deliberately to motivate him to work harder..

Our workout today is similar to the one on Tuesday, we did one round around the reservoir with exercises at every 10min interval. The only difference this time was we did exercises with Theraband and also we stepped up the intensity by doing slow jogging instead of brisk walking. The first exercise we did after the 10min interval was the bicep curls with the Theraband, followed by bodyweight front squats.

 As we progressed, Jeremy was complaining about his aching TA(Tibialis Anterior) due to the brisk walk, so we started our slow jog. Today we measured our Heart rate using the Polar Heart Rate Monitor, and I've set the watch to a training zone of 60% - 80% HR.
 I was impressed by his fitness! He managed to jog consistently for 10mins till the next set of exercises. We worked on the Deltoids and the Trapes this time by doing the lateral raise and the upright row. Looking good right?
 We finished the walk in 55mins and came back to work on core strength. We did the Standing Oblique twist with support of the lamp post. Jeremy was hit by an adrenaline rush so strong that he snapped the band!! six packs six packs six packs... was all that was on his mind...

We finished the session with cool down stretching. And this was the report from the watch:
Training duration: 1 hour 19min
In zone training duration: 43min
Average HR: 123bpm
Max HR: 164bpm
Calories Burnt: 767!!

Great Workout Jeremy!
Stay with us to watch his progress!