Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Session 7 - Jeremy Yeo (Project SlimDown)

Sorry for the late entry, too many pictures this time! We changed venue this time due to my swollen ankle. We met at Tampines Stadium and did our rounds there. A 4km workout with intervals of exercises after each round. It's kind of difficult to run alone, especially under the blazing hot sun, smacked in the middle of the day. Jeremy, currently weighing 103.3kg, ran 10 rounds on the perimeter of the field. Why not the track? Because his shoes gave way...

So we started the first round and he took about 3mins per round in average. He completed the following exercises (I was amazed) :
Biceps, Triceps and Squats

Jeremy ran 2min 27s for the first round, and was feeling good! His second round was 2min 54s.
Standing alternate rows, push ups on railing and step ups
Standing row, reverse fly and lunges

Straight arm pull, bicep pull and calf raises

Forward row with elbows close to body, single chest fly and lateral squats

Lateral raise, forward raise and drop squat.

Upright row, forward raise and drop lunge.

Normal sit ups, back arches and oblique crunch.
No pictures for this set - we did touch heels and slap heels and obliques leg swing.

Leg raise, leg extension and Oblique twist with band.
From the 3rd round onwards, Jeremy HR was shooting up, so he went much slower for the rest of the rounds.
3. 3min19s
4. 3min01s
5. 3min21s
6. 3min13s
7. 3min14s
8. 3min16s
9. 3min18s
And the last round he did a sprint, and came back with a time of 2min14s!!

The report says:
Duration: 1hr 47mins
In zone (60-80%): 1hr 18min
Average HR: 150bpm
Max HR: 190bpm
Calories: 1487!!!