Friday, July 6, 2012

Personal Training Blog | Featured client: Rabbani (Week 7)

Run Forrest, RUN! ... err, wait. It should be - Run Rabbani, RUN!


Week 7 consists of running, running and more running! Not to mention fartlek too! For this week, gym sessions was reduced to 2 as most of the workouts were done outdoors. And as always, High intensity is the way to go! ;)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Rabbani has been doing running on his own, averaging 2.5km each day. He also did sets of bodyweight squats and has been trying his best to improve on his running form. I've noticed that he is a heel striker and that is not the right running form! I'll explain about it further in another article.


Heavy full body weights training.
Weights were increased by 1.5kg for all exercises and it seems like Rabbani is getting stronger each time! Excellent!

He completed 3x10 sets of:

Squats (Smith machine), Leg extensions, Calf raises (Smith machine + step box)

Lat pulldowns (Wide, narrow, narrowest)

Dumbbell bench pulls, Dumbbell chest flys, Dumbbell bench presses.

Shoulder presses (Machine), Dumbbell lateral raises, Dumbbell shrugs.

Weighted back arches, Tricep pulldowns (Machine), Tricep dips.

Bicep curls (Olympic bar), Concentric bicep curls (Machine)

Of course, ended off the session with abs, 3x 20reps of Tuck ins.


High Intensity Interval Training + Drills

Earlier in the morning while office goers are busy heading to work, Rabbani and myself were busy too; busy training! We did a warm up 2km run and settled at the Marina Bay Financial District. Today's programme was intense! (Scroll down to see the last picture)

Dynamic stretches

Drills: High knees, ankling and buttkicks

Speed ladder workouts
3 sets of forward+backwards workouts back to back.

Lower body:

In out leg hops
Alternate leg lunges
In out hops with squats

Upper body + core:

Bear walk
Side to side bear walk

The killer!
Alternating drills + 30m sprint + 30m backpedalling x 3sets!

Knocked out!

Keep fit and stay fit!