Sunday, July 8, 2012

Personal Training Blog | Featured client: Rabbani (Week 7)

Today's workout is all about continuous movement and intensity, with a target to complete it within 30 mins. Today's keywords: fast, explosive and continuous. Combination workouts of push-ups + dumbbell pulls, squats + shoulder presses and jumping jacks was perfomed without rest in between sets.

Rabbani completed 5 continuous sets of:

Push-ups + dumbbell pulls

Squats + shoulder presses

Jumping Jacks

Tuck ins 

With that, we have come to the end of week 7. Week 8 starts on Tuesday and this will also be the week  when Rabbani will be having a fitness test on week's end. Let's see how far he has progressed! Do continue to follow his progression. ;)

Keep fit and stay fit!