Saturday, May 23, 2009

AYG 09 Workshop

First ever AYG is to be held in Singapore!
Incorporating to the AYG, SSC planned a series of workshops and talks by ex players and sports science department in various topics like nutrition, psychology, physiotheraphy and physiology department.
SSC has prepared a comprehensive program for the Team athletes and Team coaches and managers. The workshop on 23rd of May 2009 was a sharing session with inspirational and motivational talks by famous ex and current National Athletes and also sports medicine and sports science department in SSC.
It was very interesting and infomative. My favourite speaker, sprinter, mentor and also my idol Mr C Kunalan was there to present on Olympism!
SSC was also promoting a program for the elite athletes called the PACE, Programme for Athletes' Career and Education. Something about this program:
It aims to:
1. Assist elite national athletes to balance sporting achievements with their education and career goals.
2. Assist ex national athletes to develop a professional career after sports.
3. Assist corporate partners to assume a social responsibility role to show support for local sports talents.
4. Provide corporate partners with a pool of potential new hires who are proven high-achievers in the field of sports.

For those athletes who wish to participate in elite level of sports, this can be an option for you!