Tuesday, January 20, 2009

High Speed Drills - Step Overs

High Speed Drills
The step over drills is used in the high speed running phase in the 100m. I personally find that this technique is one of the most efficient way in order to sprint fast using the right muscle to do the right work. The hamstring is considered as a fast muscle and is suitable for carrying out task that requires fast movement. Therefore, making use of the anatomy of the body, we can speed up our recovery phase by smacking our heel to the butt fast.
As shown in the video above, Wynner ran through the equally spaced hurdles and simulating the stepping over action with the aid of the hurdles.
If we focus on his feet, you can see a cycling action with the feet , smacking from heel to butt and thus generating high velocity to drive the thigh forward, and feet going just over the knee of the opposite leg. It need not be a 90 degrees high on the thigh, I feel it would be a waste of time over driving of your knees. Just let your feet and let it serves as a guide, and step over your knees will be efficient enough for a nice "claw" to the ground.